Working on my schedule for the Fall Semester. Not sure if I am exempt from Orientation requirement or not. I've been attending since '95 and this is my last semester before graduation so I don't see the logic.
Business Management and Supervision
Associate in Applied Science Degree
- ORI 101 Orient to College------------1 ?
- ENG 101 English Composition I-----3 x
- SPH 106 Speech-----------------------3 x
- HUM 101 Humanities or Arts---------3 x
- MTH 100 Inter. College Algebra-----3 x
- CIS 146 Microcomputer Applics-----3 x
- CIS 196 Computer science Excel---3 fall semester
- PSY 200 Soc/Behav Science--------3 x
- ECO 231 Princ of Macroecon-------3 fall semester
- Section Sub Total --------------------25
- BUS 100 Intro to Business-----------3 x
- BUS 241 Principles of Accting I ----3 x
- BUS 275 Principles of Mgmt---------3 fall semester
- BUS 285 Principles of Mkting-------3 x
- ECO 232 Principles of Microecon--3 x
- Section Sub Total --------------------15
OPTION IV - Entrepreneurship
Specialized Courses
- BUS 178 Purchasing------------------3 x
- BUS 242 Princ of Accting II-----------3 x
- BUS 263 Legal/Social of Bus--------3 fall semester
- BUS 271 Bus Stats I-------------------3 fall semester
- BUS 277 Mgmt Seminar--------------3 x
- BUS 279 Sm Bus Mgmt---------------3 x
- MKT 220 Ad & Sales Promo---------3 x(currently enrolled)
- BUS 215 Bus Commun---------------3 x
- OAD 246 Office Graphics------------3 x(currently enrolled)
- Section Sub Total--------------------27
- TOTAL HOURS ----------------------67