Saturday, August 25, 2007

First week of on-campus classes

I finished reading Nights in Rodanthe by Nicholas Sparks last night. What a wonderful book. If you haven't read this book, please do. Make sure you have a box of tissue nearby. After finishing the Nicholas Sparks book I started reading the first few pages of Sophie Kinsella's Can You Keep A Secret? Truly, a good book is a great way to relax.

The first week of my Fall semester is behind me. Things are going well. I enjoy my on-campus classes and feel I have an understanding of the text we are studying. That, of course is subject to change. I also enjoy my three online classes but I need to get a routine going for those classes. I hate checking every few hours each day to see if there are assignments. I think I need to make myself a schedule of when to check and stick to that.

Brittany is doing pretty well in school. She seems to be enjoying it more this year. Several of her textbooks have materials available online and we have been taking advantage of that. She is such a great artist. She seemed really excited about the books I got her yesterday while I was out. It was a nice variety of books, Arthur, Scooby-Doo, Larry Boy, Magic School Bus and of course a Joke book.

Jim seems to be doing better but these extreme temperatures have us all drained.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Tinkering with C++

I have been reading a bit(no pun intended) about programming and found the following links useful. I will add more as I go...

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

My Summer Semester Ends, Brittany's School yr begins...

We have really been busy. Now that it's too hot to do much I can catch up on blogging. I got my grades back for my summer semester classes. I made A's in both of the classes(Advertising & Sales Promotion, Office Graphics & Presentation). I got my books for the fall semester and won't have anything to be done before classes begin on Aug 17th. Brittany's classes start tomorrow. I went to her open house last night and met her teachers. She will be changing classes so she has about 4 different teachers. She also has a locker this year so I wrote a check for that and got that taken care of. They will assign them tomorrow. Her bus will be the same as last year at least the same route and driver however they got a new bus and bus #. She seems pretty excited about school. Also one of the girls who was in her Kindergarten class is in her room this year. I've been working with my resume and looking at jobs so I should have that down pretty good by the time I graduate in December.